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Integrate IDEXX with Vetspire

IDEXX offers in-house and reference laboratory services, as well as PACS imaging storage. Vetspire’s integration with IDEXX is bi-directional, meaning we can send lab orders to your in-house machine or reference lab and display test results in Patient Chart.

Before You Get Started

You will need your IDEXX VetConnect PLUS username and password to continue.

Your username should not contain any special characters, including the at (@) sign. If your username is an email address, the integration setup will fail. Contact IDEXX to update your username if necessary.

You only need ONE integration for both IDEXX in-house and reference labs.

Both in-house machines and reference labs use the same IDEXX integration. Adding separate integrations to your Vetspire account will cause test results to duplicate.

If you have an IDEXX in-house lab suite, you will also have the IDEXX reference lab integration by default.

Retrieve Your IDEXX Admin Credentials

The first step to integrating an IDEXX in-house or reference lab with Vetspire is to retrieve your IDEXX account’s unique identifiers.

  1. Sign in to with your username and password.

  2. Select your account name, then select Account Administration.

  3. Note your practice’s IDEXX Account Number (SAP) and the Laboratory Account Number (LIMS) under Practice Set Up.

Integrate IDEXX with Vetspire

The following steps are the same for IDEXX in-house and reference labs.

  1. In Vetspire, go to More > Admin > Labs.

  2. Select the practice you want to edit, then select Add New Laboratory. The New Location Lab window displays.

  3. Enter IDEXX in the Laboratory Name field, and select IDEXX from the Company field drop-down menu.

  4. Complete the following fields:

    • Account Number: Your IDEXX Account Number (SAP)

    • Username: Your VetConnect username

    • Password: Your VetConnect password

    • Clinic ID: Your Laboratory Account Number (LIMS)

All of the fields in Step 4 are case-sensitive. Enter the information in Vetspire exactly as it appears in IDEXX VetConnect PLUS.

  1. Leave the Markup Multiple field blank.

  2. Set Auto Invoice? to Yes.

  3. Select Create.


Complete IDEXX In-House Integration

These steps are done in Vetspire after you complete the steps in the Integrate IDEXX with Vetspire procedure above.

  1. Go to More > Admin > Labs, and select the practice you want to edit

  2. Locate your IDEXX integration, then select Configure In-House Devices.

  1. Select a device from the Default Device drop-down menu.

  2. Select No in the Ignore Device column.

If no device is listed, your practice does not have an IDEXX Vetlab station or is not connected to the internet. Contact IDEXX for troubleshooting.

Verify the Integration in IDEXX VetConnect PLUS

You can verify that your IDEXX in-house or reference lab is configured correctly when your lab test orders display in IDEXX VetConnect PLUS.

  1. Sign in to with your username and password.

  2. Select Reference Laboratory or In-house Laboratory and observe if the test you ordered displays under In Progress.

If the test does not display, verify that your IDEXX Account Number, Username, Password, and Clinic ID are entered correctly in Vetspire.

If IDEXX is still not receiving your lab orders after you verify your integration credentials, please contact IDEXX at 1-888-433-9987 (select option 5 and then 2).

Verify IDEXX Diagnostic Codes

Go to More > Inventory & Services to ensure that all IDEXX in-house lab tests are linked to the correct diagnostic code. See IDEXX In-House Diagnostic Codes for the full list of codes supported by Vetspire.

Example IDEXX product in Vetspire:

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