NOVA is Vetspire’s electronic whiteboard and treatment sheet solution. NOVA is designed specifically for patients receiving routine care, such as in emergency rooms or boarding facilities.
From Global Navigation, select NOVA to view the NOVABoard. This displays all patients with active NOVASheets at your location.

Each cell in the NOVABoard displays the number of treatment tasks due for a patient at a given time. The cells are color-coded to let you know when tasks are due.
Red: Overdue tasks
Blue: Tasks due within the current hour
Green: Future tasks

Access a Patient’s Individual NOVASheet
To view a patient’s NOVASheet and record treatments, select the cell for the treatment time in the NOVA board. You can also access a patient’s open NOVASheet by selecting NOVASheets from the left panel of the patient chart.

The patient’s NOVASheet displays due and upcoming treatments by the hour.

No need to create a new NOVASheet each day!
Once created, a NOVASheet continues for the entire patient visit, replicating at midnight each night.
Record a Treatment in NOVASheet
Select the cell for the time slot you want to edit.
Enter the value for the task.
Select Save. The system displays the user recording the treatment and the date and time of the record.

Manage NOVASheet
Within a NOVASheet, you can stop, skip, and make other changes to treatment tasks based on the patient’s needs.

Stop a treatment: Select Stop Treatment to remove future timeslots for a task. Only currently due and future treatments can be stopped. Select Start Treatment to resume the treatment. The restarted treatment time defaults to the time the NOVASheet was created.
Highlight a cell in a different color.
Add a comment: Comments are visible until the NOVASheet is signed.
Skip a treatment.
Display Treatment Hour in Increments
NOVASheet treatments display in hourly increments by default. You can add columns to a NOVASheet to view increments of 5, 10, 15, and 30 minutes for a selected hour. This allows you to record the precise time a treatment task is completed.
Select the hour in the column header, then select an increment.

To change the column back to hourly increments, select 60 min.
Download and Email NOVASheet Summary
From the patient chart, you can email treatment summary reports to referring vets, clients, internal staff, and any specified recipients. You can also download the summary as a PDF.
Open the NOVASheet in the patient chart.
Select Summary to open the Email/Download Reports window.
The Email field automatically populates the email addresses for the rDVM and client. Add or remove email addresses in this field.
Write your message in the Body field. Macros are supported.
Select Summary to include all completed treatments and Progress Notes in the summary report PDF, or select just Progress Notes.
Select Email to send the summary report.