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Configure a NOVASheet Treatment

In a NOVASheet, the Configure Treatment window displays when you add or edit a treatment. When you link a product from your Vetspire Inventory & Services to a treatment, you can designate the treatment as billable or non-billable:

  • Billable: The treatment must be linked to a product or service. When you record a value for a billable treatment, the treatment is added to the client’s Open Invoice. On the invoice, the Quantity of a treatment line item is the same as the recorded number of units for that treatment.

  • Non-billable: The treatment can be linked to a product or service but does not have to be linked. When you record a value for a non-billable treatment, the treatment is NOT added to the client’s Open Invoice.

Billable treatments display a green dollar sign next to the treatment name on the NOVASheet:


What is an example of a non-billable treatment?

Tasks and Vitals treatments are typically non-billable and are not linked to a product in your Vetspire Inventory & Services.

There are some instances where a non-billable treatment may be linked to a product. For example, let’s say a patient is transferred to a post-op recovery ward. The patient’s owner has already paid for their medications, but the medications still need to be administered during the patient’s recovery stay. As a NOVASheet user, you do not need to invoice the (non-billable) medication product, but you would want to track when the patient receives the medication.

To add or edit a treatment in a NOVASheet:

  1. Do one of the following:

    1. Search for and select a new treatment from the Search treatment to add drop-down menu:



    2. Select an existing treatment on the NOVASheet.
      The Configure Treatment window displays.

  2. If the treatment is not yet linked to a product, select the corresponding product from the Product drop-down menu:


Once you link the treatment to a product, you CANNOT edit the treatment name. The Name field auto-populates with the name of the selected product.

  1. By default, treatments linked to products are set as Billable. Toggle off the Billable? option to set the treatment as Non-billable.

  2. Edit the following fields as needed:


If linked to a product

If not linked to a product


Defaults to the Units type in the product settings but can be edited.

Select the relevant Units type: gm, mg, kg, ml, lbs, bpm, tablets, drops, °C, or °F.


The system matches the treatment Type to the product type. Edit this field as needed.

Select the relevant treatment Type: Vitals, Monitoring, Catheter, Fluids, CRI, Transfusion, Procedures, Medications, Diagnostics, Patient Care, Nutrition, Tasks, or Other.

This determines what category the treatment displays under on the NOVASheet.


Set the treatment start date and time.


Select Decimal or Text for the data entry type.


Select the time frame in which the treatment is administered or completed, such as Every hour or Every 2 days.

Administration, Instructions, and Notes

(Optional) Enter additional information to help practice staff administer treatments and complete tasks. The information displays with the treatment name on the NOVASheet:

  1. Administration: Displays after hyphen (-).

  2. Instructions: Display in parentheses.

  3. Notes: Displays a tooltip. Select the tooltip to view notes in the Configure Treatment window.


  1. Select Save.

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