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Create Online Booking Widget for Your Website

Through Vetspire, you can create a custom Online Booking widget to enable your clients to book appointments on your website. Appointments booked through the widget then populate in Vetspire under Schedule.

Go to More > Admin > Modules > Online Booking and toggle on Enable Online Booking to get started.


In the # of Hours Before Booking Allowed field, you can set a limit on how soon an appointment can be made. If this field is left blank, the default number of hours before an appointment can be made is one hour.

Example: Enter 2 in this field. When a client books an appointment online at 12 pm, the widget will only show appointments for 2 pm or later that day.

How does Vetspire match a client’s online booking request to their profile?

In order for Vetspire to link an appointment booked online to an existing client profile, the client’s Last Name, Phone Number, and Email Address must match in the appointment and their profile.

If the system identifies duplicate client profiles matching the information in the appointment request, it will automatically link the appointment to the client profile with the most billing activity.

The online booking widget supports special characters in the client’s Email Address (such as ‘+,’ ‘#,’ or “$”). Additionally, the system does not consider case sensitivity when matching appointment requests with client profiles. (Example: If the client enters their name as ‘jane doe,' the system is able to match the appointment to the profile for ‘Jane Doe.’)

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