User Roles
A role is a group of permissions is to assign to providers. Each provider belongs to one role and can access all permissions granted to them by that role. Create roles and customize their permissions.
To create a new user role, navigate to More > Admin> Users > User Roles.
Select CREATE ROLE and complete the fields granting the appropriate access for the new user.
This is a permissions-based feature or is managed in your organization’s Admin settings.
Permission | Description | Notes |
Merge patients | Grants ability to merge patients together |
Transfer patients to different clients | Grants ability to transfer patient from one client to another |
Merge clients | Grants ability to merge clients together |
Cancel subscriptions | *To be removed |
Give complementary subsriptions | *To be removed |
Send newsletters to all clients | Grants ability to send newsletters under |
View provider punches | Grants ability to view the | MUST HAVE ADMININSTRAION - YES IN USER PROFILE |
Edit proivider punch times | Grants ability to edit punches in | *Must have View Provider Punches |
Delete Provider punch times | Grants ability to delete punches in | *Must have View Provider Punches |
Download all clients | Grants ability to download a list of clients from the Clients tab |
Ability to vew Centralized Inbox across all locations | Grants ability to view all messages for all locations across the organization in |
Ability to delete a message | Grants ability to delete a message from the Messages tab of the patient screen |
Hide Support Chat (N.B. NEGATIVE PERMISSION) | Removes the ability to use the Support Chat |
Disables Editing of the Schedule Page (N.B. NEGATIVE Permission) | Removes the ability to create or edit appointments or blocks on the Schedule |
View one's own production | *To be removed |
View Controlled Drugs report | Grants ability to view the Controlled Drugs report under |
Delete encounters | Grants ability to delete encounters |
Able to override encounter re-open lockdown period | Grants ability to reopen enounters after lockdown period set in |
Change encounter's dates | Grants ability to change the date of an encounter |
Delete lab results | Grants ability to delete tab results from the Labs tab of the patient screen |
Prescribe medications | Grants ability to order medications from the Orders bar of an encounter or invoice | (VC-3971) Does not work as intended |
Refill medications | Grants ability to refill a medication from the Medications tab of the patient screen |
Delete Medications | Grants ability to delete medications | (VC-3972) Does not work as intended |
Delete immunizations | Grants ability to delete immunizations from the Immunization tab of the patient screen |
Delete patient documents | Grants ability to delete uploaded documents from the Chart | (VC-3975) Does not work as intended |
Create/use custom problems | Grants ability to create custom problems in the patient's problem list | (VC-3976) Does not work as intended |
Create/edit/delete macros | Grants ability to create/edit/delete macros in |
Create new immumization manufacturers/vendors outside of product page | Grants ability to enter custom Manufacturer when entering New Immunization information |
Add manual discounts to an invoice | Grants the ability to add line item disounts to an invoice |
Ability to manually alter line items' prices | Grants ability to change the total price of a line item on an invoice |
Ability to manually credit accounts | Grants ability to add credits on account using the pencil icon next to Credit on Account in the Billing tab |
Ability to process refunds | Grants ability to refund through the Billing page |
Ability to change the provider on closed invoices. | Grants ability to change the provider on an invoice that has already entered lockdown based on the settings in |
Ability to change the provider on closed invoices up to the 15th of the next calendar month. | Grants ability to change the provider on an invoice that has already entered lockdown up to the 15th day of the following month based on the settings in |
Able to re-open posted invoices if they have a $0 balance | Grants ability to reopen an invoice that has $0 balance even if the invoice lockdown set in |
Edit the date of invoices | Grants the ability to change the date of an invoice |
Edit the dates of historical payments. | *To be removed |
Void payments. | Grants ability to void payments from the Billing tab |
Change the taxable status of a line item | Grants the ability to add or remove sales tax from a line item on an invoice |
Disallow the ability to create billing charges (N.B. Negative Permission) | Removes the ability to add items to an invoice | (VC-3977) Does not work as intended |
Able to mark an invoice as uncollectible | Grants ability to mark an invoice as Uncollectable from the Billing tab | ONCE AN INVOICE IS MARKED UNCOLLECTABLE, IS IT IRREVERSABLE |
Able to mark an invoice as in collections | Grants ability to mark an invoice as In Collections from the Billing tab |
Disallow the ability to finalize invoices (N.B. Negative Permission) | Prevents the user from being able to finalize an invoice |
Override the setting on a product that prevents it from being altered when on an invoice, estimate or encounter. | Grants to ability to override the "Prevent alteration from invoice, estimate or encounter" setting on a product from an invoice |
Create products* | Grants ability to create new products under | *Must have new_pricing feature flag turned on |
View products* | Grants ability to see products in | *Must have new_pricing feature flag turned on |
View products' cost history* | Coming Soon | *Must have new_pricing feature flag turned on |
Edit products' details | Grants ability to Edit Details after selecting a product in | *Must have new_pricing feature flag turned on |
Edit products' prices* | Grants the ability to add and edit pricing under | *Must have new_pricing feature flag turned on |
Enable/disable products | Grants the ability to enable and disable products |
Import products* | Grants ability to use the Product upload in Inventory & Services | *Must have new_pricing feature flag turned on |
Delete products* | Grants the ability to delete products in Invetory & Services | *Must have new_pricing feature flag turned on |
Create packages* | Grants the ability to create new packages | *Must have new_pricing feature flag turned on |
View packages* | Coming Soon | Will only apply to orgs with New_Pricing turned on when created |
Update packages* | Grants the ability to edit packages | *Must have new_pricing feature flag turned on |
Delete packages* | Grants the ability to delete packages | *Must have new_pricing feature flag turned on |
Lock packages from being edited | Grants the ability to lock and unlock packages to prevent editing | *Must have new_pricing feature flag turned on |
Adjust inventory* | Grants the ability to adjust inventory under | *Must have new_pricing feature flag turned on |
Create purchase orders* | Coming Soon | Will only apply to orgs with New_Pricing turned on when created |
Approve purchase orders* | Coming Soon | Will only apply to orgs with New_Pricing turned on when created |
View purchase orders* | Coming Soon | Will only apply to orgs with New_Pricing turned on when created |
Delete purchase orders* | Coming Soon | Will only apply to orgs with New_Pricing turned on when created |
Manage product types/tags/revenue centers* | Coming Soon | Will only apply to orgs with New_Pricing turned on when created |
Manage Wellness Plan Setup* | Grants the ability to create and edit Wellness Plans under Financials | *Must have new_pricing feature flag turned on |
Edit Patient Wellness Plans (e.g. change dates)* | Grants ability to edit Wellness Plan information under the Plans section of the Patinet Bar | *Must have new_pricing feature flag turned on |
Cancel Patient Wellness Plans* | Grants the ability to cancel Wellness Plans under the Plans section of the Patient Bar | *Must have new_pricing feature flag turned on |
Hide financials (N.B. Negative Permission) | Removes ability see the Financials tab |
Delete appointments | Grants abiliy to delete appointmetns from the schedule using the trash can icon. If not granted, user can only change the status of the appointment to Cancelled. |
Hide Schedule Tab (N.B. Negative Permission) | Removes the Schedule tab from the UI |
Manage species list | *To be removed |
Manage breeds list | *To be removed |
Manage colors list | *To be removed |
Manage patient alerts list | Grants the ability to create and manage patient alerts under | *Must have Adminministrator access in user profile |
Manage master problem list | To be removed |
Edit the organization's preferences/settings | Grants the ability to see and manage Organization Settings and Preferences under | *Must have Adminministrator access in user profile |
Manage the organization's roles | Grants the ability to see and manage User Roles under | *Must have Adminministrator access in user profile |
Add new users and edit user's information | Grants the ability to add new users as well as edit user information | *Must have View the Organization's Users enabled |
Edit user information | Grants the ability to edit all user information under the user's profile | *Must have View the Organization's Users enabled |
Add new user licenses, view report and modify existing licenses | Grants the ability to see and manage all user licenses under the user's profile | *Must have View the Organization's Users enabled |
Manage API keys and associated API users | Grants the ability to generate and delete API keys and the API user generated | *Must have Adminministrator access in user profile |
Manage location settings | Grants ability to see the Locations module under |
Edit basic location settings | Grants the ability to edit the Basic Info for assigned locations under | *Must have Manage Location Settings enabled |
Edit integration location settings | Grants the ability to edit Integrations for assigned locations under | *Must have Manage Location Settings enabled |
Edit marketing location settings | Grants the ability to edit Marketing for assigned locations under | *Must have Manage Location Settings enabled |
Edit print location settings | Grants the ability to edit the Printing module for assigned locations under | *Must have Manage Location Settings enabled |
Edit location schedules | Grants the ability to see the Scheduling module for assigned locations under | *Must have Manage Location Settings enabled |
Create and Delete location schedules | Grants the abilty to create and delete the provider schedule for assigned locations under | *Must have Edit Location Schedule enabled |
Edit cages for location | Grants the ability to create and manage cages for assigned locations daycare and boarding under | *Must have Manage Location Settings enabled |
Edit custom location attributes | Grants the ability to manage Location Attributes for assigned locations under |
Edit commission % of users | Grants the ability to edit the commission rate of users under the user's profile settings |
Ability to modify a user's active status | Grants the ability to change the status of another user to Active or Inactive under the user profile |
View the organization's users | Grants the ability to see all users and thier settings under |
Mark users as employees | Grants the ability to mark the user as an employee in the Client Information screen |
Apply client and patient tags | Grants the ability to add and remove client and patient tags |
Edit the scheduling constraints of providers | Grants the ability to add and remove scheduling contraints in the user's profile setting |
Edit the appt type limits of providers | Grants the ability to edit the appointment types the user can be scheduled for in the user profile settings |
Ability to assign any location to a User | Grants ability to assign any location to a user, not just the one's the current user has access to | *Must have View the Organization's Users enabled |
Configure admin's configuration settings | *To be removed |
Configure Labs | Grants ability to create and manage lab integrations under |
Manage reminders/marketing setup. | Grants ability to see the Marketing & Reminders module under the More tab of the Main Task Bar |
Manage encounter templates | Grants ability to edit and manage encounter templates under |
Manage available payment methods and settings | Grants ability to edit availabel payment types and payment integrations under |
Manage financial settings | *To be removed |
Manage appointment types | Grants ability to create and manage Appointment Types under |
Access to Analytics | Grants access to the Analytics module under the More tab of the Main Task Bar |
Configure RingCentral *requires work on RingCentral platform for the integration to work | Grants ability to manage the RingCentral integration under |
Manage cadences | Gants ability to manage candances found under |
Perform DataSync operations (data import, conversions, etc.) | ONLY TO BE USED BY VETSPIRE SUPPORT - Enabling this and using the DataSync feature may cause irreversable damage to your data |
Manage treatment templates | Grants ability to create and manage NOVA treatment sheets under | NOVA will need to be enabled by Vetspire Support |
Manage Integrations | Grants abililty to manage integrations located under |
View rDVM's | Grants the ability to see the rDVM module under |
Edit basic rDVM information | Grants the ability to edit rDVM information | Must have View rDVMs |
Edit basic and advanced rDVM information | Grants the ability to edit rDVM information | Must have View rDVMs |
Create an rDVM | Grants the abiltiy to add a new rDVM | Must have View rDVMs |
Delete an rDVM | Grants the ability to delete an rDVM from the rDVM list | Must have View rDVMs |
Merge rDVMs | Grants ability to merge one rDVM into another | Must have View rDVMs |
Full access to rDVM marketing tools | Grants ability to view the rDVM Marketing Tool located under More | Must have View rDVMs |
Ability to use mass upload for rDVM's | Grants ability to upload .csv files for rDVMs | Must have View rDVMs |