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Add a Patient to a Client Profile

You can add and link a new patient to a client profile in the client information screen or when creating an appointment.

Add a Patient from Client Information Screen

  1. Go to Clients from Global Navigation.

  2. Search for and select the client.

  3. Select Add New Patient to open the Create a New Patient window.

  4. Complete the patient information fields. Required fields are highlighted in red.

  5. Select Create Patient.


Example patient:


Video: Adding a New Patient to an Existing Client

Add a Patient in Schedule

  1. Go to Schedule from Global Navigation.

  2. Select New Appointment or select an open time slot on the calendar to open the Schedule: Appointment window.

  3. Search for the client.

  4. Select the plus sign ➕ next to their name to open the Add Client's First New Patient window.

  1. Complete the patient information fields. Required fields are highlighted in red.

  2. Select Create Patient.

Video: Adding a New Patient in Schedule

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