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Controlled Drugs

Navigate to Financials > Controlled Drugs under Inventory on the left-hand side of the screen.

  1. Run a Usage Report for the appropriate date range and the controlled substance you reconcile.

  2. Reconcile the amounts recorded in the Dispensing Log to those found in the usage report.

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Correct Discrepancies in Vetspire

  1. Click the line in the Usage Report for correction. The associated invoice will open in a new tab.

  2. Click the ellipses to the right of the controlled substance line item to fix and select Credit Account (Return Stock).

    • Any cost associated with the line item will become a credit on the account.

  3. Open a new encounter in the patient chart titled Note – Addendum (PVA).

    1. Assign the original Provider and yourself as the Technician.

    2. In the Note section, record the reason for the correction.

    3. Order the correct medication, and use the correct Quantity.

  4. Link to the original encounter.

  5. Edit the invoice and check out the invoice

    1. Change the Date to the day the drug was administered/sold.

    2. In the Memo, record the correction to a controlled substance.

    3. If there is an associated cost, apply the Credit on Account to the invoice.

    4. Work with your ABM or DOE to determine an appropriate course of action for any remaining balance.

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