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Manage Products

The Products grid in More > Inventory & Services > Manage > Products displays all available products for your organization. By default, the Only Show Enabled checkbox is enabled to display only products available for your selected location.


There are additional filters available at the top of the Products grid:



Only Below Threshold

The Threshold column displays the minimum stock quantity (number of units) a product should be maintained at.

Select Only Below Threshold to filter the grid to display only products that are below the minimum threshold, so you know what needs to be re-ordered.

Trackable Inventory

Products marked as Only Inventory cannot be invoiced but can have a set stock quantity. This is useful for tracking your practice’s inventory of white goods and other physical items used during encounters that you do not charge clients for.

Select Trackable Inventory to filter the grid to display only products that are tracked for inventory and not sellable.

Only Show Enabled

This filter is selected by default. When selected, the grid is filtered to display only products available at your selected location. Clear the selection to view all products available for your entire organization.

Filter By Category Tag

All Product Categories display by default. The Category Tags column displays the custom tags assigned to the product record.

Select categories from the Filter by Category Tag drop-down menu to display only specifically tagged products in the grid.

Category tags are managed in Financials > Manage > Categories.

Filter By Type

All Product Types display by default. Each product must be assigned to a single Type.

Select types from the Filter by Type drop-down menu to display only products assigned to the selected type(s) in the grid.

Product types are managed in Financials > Manage > Types.

Add and Edit Products

Select + New Product above the Products grid to manually create a new product record.


To edit a product, search for and select the product from the grid. Multiple sections display where you can edit the product details, inventory counts, and pricing information.

See Product Details Reference for definitions of all available fields.

Enable or Disable a Product

You can enable or disable a product from the Products grid. Select the ellipsis to the far right of a product in the grid, then select Disable Product or Enable Product.

If you cannot locate a product that you want to enable, make sure the Only Show Enabled filter is not selected.

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