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End of Day

Navigate to Financials > End of Dayon the left-hand side of the screen.

  • The End-of-Day reconciliation should not be submitted until the end of the day, but it is recommended to reconcile payments at least once in the middle of the day to catch problems early.

  • Change the End of Day summary to another date by selecting the date at the top left corner.

  • Select Download End of Day Summary from the top right-hand corner of the screen and save the summary to the desired location.

  • Address any errors and explain in the Notes, then click Mark Reconciled.

To edit the End of Day, click Undo. Make sure to Mark Reconciled when finished.


Invoices Left Open

Navigate to the Financials tab and open the End of Day screen.

Start from the top. Click on Invoices Left Open to open the list of invoices and reconcile each invoice.

Click here to expand...

Click on a line to open the invoice in a separate tab.

Click here to expand...

Invoice Status management. open due and paid - due is accounts receivable

Accounts Receivable _click to update and reconcile

Paid Invoices click to update and reconcile.


Payments will list all payment methods taken throughout the day. Select each payment method for a breakout according to payment type. Confirm that all the payments taken reconcile with the payment type recorded in Vetspire.

Click here to expand...

Show Account Credits: Toggle to see credits on the account used and given only on this day.

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