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Schedule Blocks: Create an Event

An event in Schedule is a time block during which appointments should not be scheduled. Event blocks are designed for administrative purposes, such as lunch breaks, team meetings, or trainings.

Your organization admin can create appointment types for events in More > Admin > Configure > Appointment Types. In the appointment type settings, Is Blockoff? is set to Yes for events.


Create an Event

  1. In Schedule, select New Event or select an open time slot on the calendar to open the Schedule: window.

  2. Select Event.


For events, the Type field is optional. If your organization uses appointment types for events, select the appropriate type in this field. Otherwise, you can enter a brief description of the event in the Event Title field (such as “Personal Appointment”).

  1. (Optional) Select the Provider or custom Schedule. If you do NOT select either a provider or a custom schedule, the event will display in the Uncategorized column of the Schedule calendar.

  2. Set the event Date, Time, and Duration.

  3. (Optional) For recurring events, select a frequency in the Repeat Event field.

  4. Enter an Event Title to provide more information to other staff about the new event.

  5. Leave the status as Planned.

  6. Select Create Event.

Can I schedule an appointment at the same time as an event or during an event block?

Yes! Vetspire does not prevent you from scheduling an appointment at the same time as an event for a provider or custom schedule.

Edit an Event

In the Schedule calendar, you can drag and drop an event to a new time or to a different provider or custom column.

To change the event date or other details (such as the Event Title or the Repeat Event field frequency), select the event on the calendar and then select the pencil icon.


In the Update Appointment window, select View History to access the change log of event updates.

Notes About Editing Recurring Events

Editing one event in a recurring series will apply the same changes to all future events in the series. For example, if your lunch hour changes from 30 minutes to an hour, you can change the Duration in one lunch event to 60 minutes, and all future lunch events are updated to 60 minutes.

Deleting one event in a recurring series will delete the entire series.

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