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The schedule lists patients scheduled for the day in order of appointment time.

The Schedule components consist of the following:

Schedule Color Coding

Appointment types can be differentiated on the schedule by color and managed/edited by the Admin. The color bar to the left of the appointment indicates where a patient is in the appointment process. Click to edit the appointment status.

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This list serves as a color legend for the appointment types.

  • Medium Blue – Planned

  • Dark Blue with a checkmark - Confirmed

  • Orange – Checked-in

  • Light Green – In Progress

  • Dark Red – Checking Out

  • Light Gray – Completed

  • Person Icon – indicates the owner completed the Self-Check In.

  • Pink – No Show. Based on the preference settings in Admin, the appointment may be deleted from the schedule and will show in the deletion when marked as a No Show. (red star)

  • White – Day Care  (red star)

  • Completed appointments appear faded on the schedule.



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This is a permissions-based feature or is managed in your organization’s Admin settings.

Appointment Details

Click on an entry in the schedule to open details about the appointment.
A toolbar becomes available in the upper right-hand corner:

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Delete appointment

See the Deletion Log for details on the deleted appointment.

Update appointment

Select Update, then View History to see a changelog/appointment history.


Client and Patient Information

Select the Client or the Patient name to navigate the appropriate information screen. The patient weight and breed are listed on the appointment overview pop-up on the schedule.

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Appointment Type

Assigned Provider

Reason for Visit

Appointment Status

  • Planned

  • Confirmed

  • Checked-In

  • In Progress - this does not necessarily mean that the encounter has started.

  • Completed

  • No Show

  • Pending

  • Canceled - removes appointment from the schedule and adds it to the Deletion Log.

  • Daycare

While in View mode: see the scheduling details for who created the initial appointment and when

While in Edit mode: Assign a customized column

Options for sending the Self-Check In and Self-Check In Status

Room Number

Start Appointment or Go to Encounter Button

Appointment Notes

Once the edit button is selected, enter any note related to the appointment.

These notes will reflect in the Change and the appointment History.

Use the Schedule to create or see:

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