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Inventory Upload Mass Change

Navigate to Financials > Inventory Upload under Inventory on the left-hand side of the screen OR

More > Inventory & Services > Inventory Upload under Tools on the left-hand side of the screen.

(red star) This is a permissions-based feature or is managed from the Admin page.

To upload inventory counts collected using an Excel document, use the Inventory Upload Mass Change.

1. Download the Template

Obtain an export of all inventory on hand. This is generated with the location you access in the top left. If the download times out, try the email button instead. Large datasets may take some time before arriving. Once obtained, edit the template in Excel. Filter by Locations.

2. Update Quantity in Stock

The downloaded spreadsheet includes all products within Vetspire, with their inventory in stock quantity. Open and edit this file, making changes ONLY to the quantity in stock column.

Please take note of the following:

  • DO NOT change the column headers; Vetspire requires those to process updates.

  • Do NOT change any of the Vetspire IDs in the first column; Vetspire uses those to identify which products to update.

  • Only update the quantity in stock column.

3. Upload

Save the edited Excel file as a .csv and upload the file to Vetspire. Vetspire will update all of the inventory in stock accordingly. The upload may take a while to complete. Do not leave this page while it is processing.

Update Counts!

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