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Manage Location Treatment and Boarding Kennels

You can list all of your location’s kennels and boarding wards in More > Admin > Locations.

Add a Treatment Kennel

Treatment kennels are used for non-boarded patients, such as for daycare or post-treatment care. These are separate from boarding kennels. To add a treatment kennel:

  1. In More > Admin > Locations, select the location you want to edit.

  2. In the Scheduling section, select Edit then Edit Basics.

  3. Set Enable Daycare to Yes, then select Save.

  4. In the Treatment Kennel List section, select Edit.

  5. Add, edit, and remove your cages as needed, then select Close.

Add a Boarding Ward

Boarding wards are used in Boarding (accessed from Global Navigation) to organize your kennels, such as by species and patient needs. To add a boarding ward:

  1. In More > Admin > Locations, select the location you want to edit.

  2. In the Boarding Wards section, select Edit.

  3. Add, rename, and remove your wards as needed, then select Close.


Remove a ward by selecting the trash can icon.

A ward can only be deleted if there are no kennels in the ward with reservations in any state of occupancy.

Add a Boarding Kennel

Boarding kennels are set up for each of your boarding wards. You must create a boarding ward before you can create kennels. To add a boarding kennel:

  1. In More > Admin > Locations, select the location you want to edit.

  2. In the Boarding Kennels section, select Edit.

  3. Add, rename, and remove your kennels as needed, then select Close.


Remove a kennel by selecting the trash can icon.

A kennel can only be deleted if it has no reservations in any state of occupancy.

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