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Locations: Add a New Location

Locations in Vetspire are designed to support veterinary organizations with multiple practices. The settings available in More > Admin > Locations enable you to configure details, schedules, and integrations for each unique location. This article describes all available configuration options.

In More > Admin > Locations, select the Create New Location button to add a location.


When your organization has multiple locations, you can use the location drop-down menu in the top left of Global Navigation to switch between locations.

Information on Location Scheduling

Basic Info

Select Edit in the Basic Info section of Location Settings to enter your location’s details. The following table describes all available Basic Info fields.




System-generated identifier for the location. The ID is automatically assigned to the location by Vetspire and cannot be changed.


The internal name of your practice’s location.

Display Name

The name of your practice’s location that displays on invoices and client communications.

Address and Country

The physical address of your location.

Note: If the location Country is set to Canada, the Harmonized Sales Tax Number field displays where you can enter your tax ID to print on invoices.

Contact Information

Add your location’s Phone Number, Email Address, and Website URL.


The color of the location label that displays when selecting between multiple locations.


Select your location’s timezone.

Default Weight Unit

Select the default unit for patient weight measurements at this location: lb, g, or kg.

Note: The Default Weight Unit overrides the organizational weight unit.

Payroll ID

Set a unique ID for this location for payroll reporting.

State, County, City, and Other Tax Rates

Apply local tax rates to all taxable products invoiced at this location.

Price Markup (%)

The percent at which the unit cost of a product invoiced at this location will be raised by default.

Cash Bank Amount

Enter an amount to pre-populate your End of Day form with the amount of cash your practice keeps on hand.

Open Date

The date on which your practice opened this location to clients.


Select the currency unit displayed across the system and on invoices and estimates for this location: USD or CAD.


Location tags are used for pricing and reporting. Go to More > Admin > Configure > Location Tags to create a new tag.

Inventory Parent

Optionally select the location that manages stock for this location, if inventory is not managed at this location.

Outbound SMS Phone Number

This is the phone number, purchased through Vetspire, that the system sends your SMS messages from.

Outbound Toll Free SMS Phone Number

This is the phone number, purchased through Vetspire, that the system sends your SMS messages from. The toll free phone number will be used instead of the regular SMS phone number when available.

Contact Vetspire Support for assistance with toll free phone numbers.

We can assist you if your SMS messages are blocked by your carrier or marked as spam.

Forward inbound SMS messages to email

Set to Yes to receive a notification at the location Email Address when a client sends an SMS message to the location SMS Phone Number.

Fax Number

Faxes sent to this number display in the location’s Inbox, accessed from Global Navigation.

Active Status

Set to Yes to enable appointment scheduling at this location.

Test Location

Set to Yes to have the system ignore transactions from this location during invoicing and reporting.

Enable Reminders

Set to Yes to enable automated client reminders for this location.

Enable Nova

Set to Yes to enable the NOVABoard (accessed from Global Navigation) and NOVASheets for this location. See NOVA for more details.


Select Edit in the Printing section of Location Settings to configure your printing integration and prescription label settings. The following table describes all available Printing fields.



Direct Print

Set to Yes if your network does not support cloud-based printing, such as when your printer is physically connected to your computer.

PrintNode Settings

Vetspire’s integration with PrintNode supports cloud-based printing. Once your PrintNode integration is set up in More > Admin > Integrations > PrintNode, you can set your location-specific PrintNode settings:

  • PrintNode Computers: Select the computer(s) on your network that support cloud-based printing.

  • PrintNode Printer: Select the printing device(s) on your network to which documents can be printed through the cloud.

  • PrintNode Paper Size: Set the default print size for documents printed through the cloud.

Flip Rx Labels Orientation

Set to Yes to print prescription labels upside down.

Label Size

Select the default size of printed prescription labels:

  • 54 X 70 mm

  • 103 X 164 mm

  • 889 X 508 mm


Select Edit in the Marketing section of Location Settings to link your practice’s social media accounts to Vetspire and add your branding.



Social Media Review Links

Add your Facebook Page, Yelp Review, and Google Review Links where clients can leave feedback on your practice.

Latitude and Longitude

Enter the map coordinates of your location, for use with Google Maps.

Location Logo

Upload your practice’s logo image file (JPEG or PNG) to display on PDF documents.

Note: The Location Logo overrides the organizational logo.

Marketing Providers

Select one or more providers who are responsible for marketing at this location.

Advanced Location Settings

  • In the Custom Location Attributes section, select Edit to create a new attribute with a name and value to pull through the Vetspire API. This feature is primarily used for marketing. If you have more than one location, custom location attributes enable you to create unique marketing materials for each location.

  • At the bottom of the Location Settings window, select Show Differentiated Pricing Product Markups to display a grid of all products with pricing markups across your organization.

  • DataSync Settings are used by the Vetspire Implementation Team when onboarding your organization with Vetspire if you migrated from a different practice management software. You do not need to edit these settings to create a new location.

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