Medications in Patient Chart
The Medications tab in Patient Chart displays a patient’s active and historical medications. From the Medications grid, you can refill prescriptions, print prescription information, link medications to open encounters, and more.

Select Show All Medications below the grid to view medications in all statuses.
The Status column displays one of the following labels for each medication:
Active: Patient is currently taking the medication.
Inactive: Medication is marked as stopped.
Declined: Medication is declined by the client.
Refilled: Historical record for each time a prescription is refilled.
Available Actions for Medications
Select the ellipsis for a medication to open the action menu. Different actions display based on the medication status, the number of available refills, and if your practice is using Cubex.

Menu Option | Description |
Print Rx Label | Select to print a prescription label to place on the medication bottle or packaging. |
Print Rx Sheet | Select to print a prescription order for medications filled externally. Provider Signature Required The provider must have their electronic signature uploaded in My Profile > General to generate a valid Rx sheet. The signature automatically displays on the generated PDF. |
Refill Rx | This option displays only for prescriptions with one or more available refills. See Refill Prescription Medications. |
Associate with Encounter | Select to add the medication to the Order section of an open encounter. |
Mark as Active | (Inactive medications only) Select to reset the medication status to Active. |
Mark as Stopped | (Active medications only) Select to change the medication status to Inactive. To maintain accurate records of a patient’s care history, medications cannot be deleted. |
Push to Cubex | For practices integrated with Cubex, select to send the prescription to the MyCubex app for dispensing. |
Add New Medication in Patient Chart
This feature is available if your organization supports adding a medication in Patient Chart outside of an encounter.
Vetspire Recommends
We recommend manually adding a prescription in Patient Chart > Medications when the medication is NOT associated with an encounter.
You can also use this feature to record external and historical prescriptions.
Above the Medications grid in Patient Chart, search for a medication product type from your organization’s available inventory. Select a search result.
Enter the medication details.
Select one of the following buttons:
Prescribe: Add the prescription to the Medications grid.
Prescribe and Print: Add the prescription to the Medications grid and print Rx label.
Delete: Cancel the addition of the prescription.
Decline: Add the prescription to the Medications grid in the Declined status when the client declines the medication.