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Refill Prescription Medications

Refill an Rx from Patient Chart

You can refill a patient’s prescription through an encounter or in Patient Chart > Medications. Your organization admin determines the workflow enabled in Vetspire for your location.

The following procedure describes refilling a prescription in Patient Chart > Medications.

Refill an Rx from Patient Chart

  1. In Patient Chart > Medications, select the ellipsis in the medication row, then select Refill Rx.


  2. Edit the Lot Number, Date, and Expires date, if needed, then select Refill & Print!


A new invoice opens for the prescription refill, and the Rx label displays in a new browser tab for printing. The number of remaining refills for the medication, if any are left, is reduced by one.

Note: Prescriptions refilled from Patient Chart > Medications are not associated with an encounter.

Vetspire Recommends

Add a New Note in the Chart tab to document the date the refill was picked up, the payment status for the refill, and how many refills are left.

Can I update the instructions on a refill?

Medication instructions cannot be edited once they are saved. If you need to update instructions for the client, you must add a new prescription for the medication.

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