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Update Pricing for a Product

You can add or edit pricing details for a product in More > Inventory & Services > Manage > Products.

  1. Search for and select the product you want to edit. The product details display.

If the product is not enabled at your selected location, clear the Only Show Enabled checkbox to view all products.

  1. Scroll down to the Prices section and select the plus sign + at the bottom of the list to open the Edit Price window.

  2. Select the product price Type. The pricing fields change based on your selection.





The set price for a unit of the product.

Enter the Unit Fixed Price and an optional Dispense Fee.

Mark Up

The price is calculated using the product's Unit Cost and the Unit Markup %. For example, if the unit cost is $10 and the markup % is 100%, then the sale price will be $20.

IMPORTANT: You must first enter the Unit Cost in the product details under Inventory Information.

Enter the Unit Markup % and an optional Dispense Fee.

Default Mark Up

The price is calculated using the Default Dispense Fee and Default Unit Markup Percentage of the Product Type.

IMPORTANT: You must first enter the Default Dispense Fee and Default Unit Markup Percentage for the Product Type in Financials > Manage > Types.

Link your individual product to the Product Type in the product details under Basic Information.


Sets different per-unit pricing based on volume thresholds.

Enter the price per unit for each range of numbers of units sold.

  1. (Optional) In the Location field, restrict the product sales price to a specific location.

  2. (Optional) Configure Advanced Options:

    1. Location Tag: Select a location tag to apply the product sales price at all locations with the specific tag.

    2. Department: Set the product sales price to apply when ordered from a specific department.

    3. Minimum Price: Set a minimum price for which the product may be sold. The product will never be sold for less than this amount, regardless of coupons or discounts.

  3. Select Save.

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