Custom Schedules
Custom schedules display as fixed gray columns on the right side of the Schedule calendar. These are schedules that are not associated with only one specific provider. Use custom schedules to manage appointments by category, such as for walk-ins or surgeries.

Vetspire Recommends
We recommend creating no more than 3-4 custom schedules, depending on the number of providers at your practice, to avoid cluttering the Schedule calendar and narrowing the view of appointments.
To create a custom schedule:
Go to More > Admin > Locations and select the location you want to edit.
Select Edit and then Edit Schedules in the Scheduling section of Location Settings.

The Custom Schedules section displays at the bottom of the Edit Schedules window.
Select Add New Schedule.

Enter the name of the custom schedule, then select Add New.

A success confirmation message displays. To edit the custom schedule details, select the name of the custom schedule. You can edit the following details in the Update the Schedule section:
Position: Custom schedule columns will always be to the right of provider columns. If you have multiple custom schedules, you can put them in the order you want using the Position field.
The smaller the number, the farther to the left the column will be. Example: Let’s say you have two custom schedule columns. The position “1” is the first column after providers, and “2” is the column farthest to the right.
Queue Mode: Set to Yes to accept new appointments in a queue before scheduling the appointment with a provider.
Example: An urgent care practice may create a custom schedule for walk-ins that has Queue Mode enabled. A receptionist assigns a new appointment to the next available provider – the appointment is moved from the Walk-Ins custom column to the provider’s column.
Limit to Appt Types: Select which appointment types can be scheduled. Leave blank if all appointment types can be scheduled.

The Schedule ID is system-generated and cannot be edited.