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Encounter Templates

Customize the encounter templates and create as many templates as necessary. These templates may default to editable and frequently used language.

See the Macros section for information on creating and using a Macro. Use a Macro to complete any text box that is not a pop-out except Medication Instructions.

In any section in which you can write freely, you will notice that any symptom, diagnosis, or procedure is highlighted. This color-coding highlights anything medically interesting to stand out to your eye.

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Navigate all sections of the encounter by using the heading on the left.

Some sections on an encounter will have some icons on the right-hand side of the column:

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Print Label: prints a label with subjective information

Mark All Normal: makes all Normal/Abnormal questions normal

Mark All Not Examined: marks examinable items as Not Examined

Import: Pull all exam section information from the previous encounter. This is useful for rechecks to reference what was found on the last exam quickly. If the last exam were a different encounter type, the formatting of the previous encounter would also transfer. This action cannot be undone.

Add Note: Add a line for additional notes.

Copy Medications: lists all active medications with associated directions. Found in the Discharge Instructions section.

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