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The Encounter

Anatomy of an Encounter

All parts of an encounter may be navigated through the toolbar on the left-hand side of the screen.

The encounter screen may or may not contain these items above and a footer. 

Encounter Font Shortcuts for Windows PCs

  • Bold your text: Ctrl + B

  • Underline text: Ctrl + U

  • Italicize text: Ctrl + i.

  • Bullet points: - + Spacebar or * + Spacebar 

  • Start numbering, and the sequence will follow. If you don't want the number sequence after (1) or bullet points. Press the Shift + Spacebar.

Encounter Events Log

Located at the bottom of each Encounter, above the Footer, there is a Current Events log which will be stamped with the date, time, and user each time an encounter is signed and re-opened.

Encounter Buttons 

Some sections on an encounter will have icons to the right:

Print Label: prints a label with subjective information
Mark All Normal: makes all Normal/Abnormal questions normal
Mark All Not Examined: marks examinable items as Not Examined
Copy from Previous Record: transfers all information from the previous encounter

  • Useful for rechecks to reference what was found on the last exam quickly.

  • If the last exam is a different encounter type, the formatting of the previous encounter would also transfer.

  • This action cannot be undone.

Add Note: adds a line for additional notes

Copy Medications: lists all active medications with directions for each medication





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