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Enter Historical Vaccine in Patient Chart

  1. In Patient Chart > Immunizations, select New Immunization to open the New Immunization window.

  2. Complete the following fields:

    1. Name: The name of the vaccine

    2. Dose Quantity: The numerical measurement of the vaccine substance, such as in mL

    3. Site: Where the vaccine was administered, such as Right Front Leg

    4. Route: How the vaccine was administered: Oral, Subcutaneous, Intramuscular, or Intranasal

    5. Lot Number: The inventory lot number, if the vaccine is stored at your practice

    6. Manufacturer: The manufacturer of the vaccine

    7. Provider: The veterinarian who administered the vaccine

    8. Technician: The technician who administered the vaccine

  3. Select if the immunization is the Initial administration or a Booster in the Type field.

  4. Enter the vaccine Administration Date and Next Due Date.

  5. Use the Note field to record additional information about the immunization, such as the name of the clinic where the immunization was administered if it was not at your practice.

  6. Enter the Lot Expiry Date, if your practice uses lot numbers in your immunization inventory.

  7. Select Historical in the State field.

  8. (Optional) Select Yes in the Discontinued? field if the patient no longer receives the immunization. See Discontinue an Immunization for more details.

  9. Select Add Immunization.

The new immunization record displays with a “Historical” label in the Immunizations grid.

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