Invoices Dashboard
Useful to review all invoices for a day or time period.
Navigate to Financials > Invoices
under Accounting on the left-hand side of the screen.

Tags: any Client or Patient tag listed for the selected location
Providers: list every active provider in the whole organization
Location: filters by the location selected
Date range to span a date range for the invoices
Choose desired filters by selecting Open, Due, or Paid invoices and specify the Tags, Providers, Locations, and Date range to generate specific information.
Open Invoices: in progress/not finalized
Due Invoices: finalized, ready for payment, or partial payment received
Paid Invoices: paid in full
Uncollectable: This is not reversible
Click an invoice to open the details of that invoice in a separate tab.
Renewals Buttons

Included Renewals - if checked, all invoices are listed, including any invoices with plan renewals.
Only Renewals - if checked, a list generates containing ONLY plan renewals