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Manage Patient Reminders

Patient Reminders display in the right panel of Patient Chart for immunizations linked to protocols and immunizations with due dates. These reminders are updated in real-time.

When you hover over the name of the reminder, a tooltip displays the source of the immunization record, such as Protocol, Legacy, or Immunization (when a historical immunization is added with a due date).


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Select the name of a due immunization to navigate to Patient Chart > Immunizations.

When you hover over the due date for a Patient Reminder, a gear icon displays. Select the gear icon to choose one of the following options:

  • Delete (trash can): Remove the reminder from Patient Reminders. The reminder will not be sent to the client, and the immunization data sync is discontinued.

  • Decline (thumbs down): Keep the reminder in Patient Reminders but do not send the reminder to the client.

  • Edit (pencil): Change the reminder due date.


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