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Protocol Reminders Report

Navigate to Financials > Protocol Reminders under Reporting on the left-hand side of the screen.

Protocol Reminders are the communications sent to clients for any protocols and cadences configured for your organization.

Potential Breakdowns for this report include:

  • Location: refers to the hospital(s) being included on the report

  • Unsendable Reason: refers to “why” a reminder was not sent out to a client

  • Sent Status: refers to whether a reminder was sent to a client

  • Cadence: refers to the protocol cadences configured to trigger automatic sending of protocol reminders set by your organization. (For Example, 6 months before, 3 months before, 2 weeks after, etc.)

  • Contact Method: refers to type of contact made i.e. E-mails, SMS, and/or Postcards.

  • Conversions: True or False refers to “a client made an appointment for the same patient the reminder was sent for within 30 days of receiving the reminder.”

  • Client ID: identifies the client’s ID number

  • Client Name: gives the client’s name.

  • Patient ID: identifies the patient’s ID number

  • Patient Name: gives the patient’s name.

  • Contains Legacy Reminders: DO NOT USE, no longer a valid breakdown.

  • Email or Phone: identifies the client’s email address or phone number.

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Customize the report by adding multiple breakdowns. However, more breakdowns being included will increase the time required to run the report.

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