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Client Communication Preferences

To edit the Organization Preferences or update the user interface to allow client input, navigate to

Admin > Settings > Preferences > Preferences > Client Communication Preferences.

Allow clients to select online booking where customization is available.

(blue star) This feature is managed by your organization under the Admin section.

Client Communication Terminology:

  • SMS Transactional: auto-generated messages from Vetspire that are not marketing or reminders.

  • SMS Marketing: protocol messages or vaccine reminders found under appointment/lifecycle. These are auto-set to NO when the client is created or a data conversion on the client is performed.

  • Email Transactional- auto-generated messages from Vetspire, not email marketing

  • Email Marketing - Protocol messages or vaccine (under appointment/lifecycle) reminders.

  • Postcard Transactional and Marketing: are not sent by Vetspire and are controlled through each organization’s API. Contact your account manager for support.

Enter text into the space provided to customize the client interface.

Customize messaging for transactional and marketing-based communication for clients.

  • transactional communications: used to send a link to Vetspire. EXAMPLE: PAYMENT, AUTHORIZATION OR CONSENT FORMS, ETC.

  • marketing communications: used to send any type of reminder and is auto-defaulted to No.


  • SMS Transactional: auto-generated messages from Vetspire that are not marketing or reminders.

  • SMS Marketing: protocol messages or vaccine reminders found under appointment/lifecycle. These are auto-set to NO when the client is created or a data conversion on the client is performed.

  • Email Transactional- auto-generated messages from Vetspire, not email marketing

  • Email Marketing - Protocol messages or vaccine (under appointment/lifecycle) reminders.

  • Postcard Transactional and Marketing: are not sent by Vetspire and are controlled through each organization’s API. Contact your account manager for support.

Enter text into the space provided to customize the client interface.

Customize messaging for transactional and marketing-based communication for clients.

  • transactional communications: used to send a link to Vetspire. EXAMPLE: PAYMENT, AUTHORIZATION OR CONSENT FORMS, ETC.

  • marketing communications: used to send any type of reminder and is auto-defaulted to No.

  • Prompt Clients on Online Booking/Check-In for their Communication Preferences: set to prompt clients for all communications preferences when booking or checking in.

  • Transactional SMS Agreement Message: sends an SMS with a hyperlink. If a client wants to opt-out, set it to No. EXAMPLE: TEXT TO PAY, CONSENT FORMS, ETC.

  • Marketing SMS Agreement Message: sends an SMS for all reminders. If a client wants to opt-out, set it to No.

  • Transactional Email Agreement Message: sends an email with a hyperlink. If a client wants to opt-out, set it to No.

  • Marketing Email Agreement Message: sends an email for all reminders. If a client wants to opt-out, set it to No.

  • Transactional Postcard Agreement Message: sends a postcard with a hyperlink. If a client wants to opt out, set it to No.

  • Marketing Postcard Agreement Message: sends a postcard for all reminders. If a client wants to opt out, set it to No.

  • Kiosk Communication Agreement Message: The message is displayed when the user is selecting communication preferences in the kiosk. Supports a limited subset of HTML.

  • Online Booking Communication Agreement Message: The message is displayed when the user is selecting communication preferences in the online booking tool. Supports a limited subset of HTML.

  • Use Location Display Name in all client-facing communications: By default, the Organization name is used. Enable this to use the Location Display Name instead.


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