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View and Edit a Client Profile

The client profile displays your customer’s information, linked patients, and preferences. To access a client profile, select their name anywhere it appears in Vetspire (such as in Clients or at the top of Patient Chart):


Create a New Client Profile

See the Clients guide for steps to create a client profile.

Multiple sections display in the client profile:

  1. Client Information: The client’s basic details, including email address, client ID, notes, and tags.

  2. Patients: All of the client’s patients that they fully own or share an ownership percentage of. See Add a Patient to a Client Profile for steps to create a new patient.

  3. Upcoming Appointments: Any future scheduled appointments for the client’s patients display here. Select an appointment to go to the patient’s chart.

  4. Phone Numbers and Addresses: Enter or edit the client’s contact information.

  5. Additional Information: Displays any custom client information fields that your organization has configured in More > Admin > Configure > Custom Fields.

  6. Co-owners: Create profiles for customers who share ownership of one or more of the client’s linked patients and can be invoiced for their care. See About Patient Co-Owners for details.

  7. rDVMs: Enter the information for the client’s referring vet or select one of your saved rDVM profiles from the drop-down menu. Linking an rDVM to the client profile enables you to send encounter summaries directly from Vetspire to the referring vet. (rDVMs profiles are managed in More > Admin > Configure > rDVMs).

Client Communication Preferences

In the Communication Preferences section of the client profile, you can opt the client in or out of transactional and marketing communications. See About Client Communication Preferences for more details.

Additional Details in ‘Client Information’

Once you have created and saved a new client, you can add tags, notes, and additional details in the Client Information section of their profile:

  1. Tags: Add tags to the client’s profile for automatic invoice discounts. Client tags display at the top of Patient Chart. (Tags are managed in More > Admin > Configure > Custom Fields.)

  2. Notes: General client notes entered here display in the right panel of Patient Chart under Client Note for each of the client’s linked patients. These notes are not part of the patients' medical records.

  3. Private Notes: Notes entered here are only visible in the client profile and do not display in Patient Chart or the medical records of the client’s linked patients.

  4. Primary Location: If the client visits multiple practices within your organization’s network, use this field to designate their primary treatment location.

All patient reminders and automated communications generate from the Primary Location.

If the client has an appointment scheduled at a different location than their Primary Location, they will not receive automatic reminders for their appointment.

  1. Stop All Reminders: Select Stop All Reminders or Allow Reminders to (respectively) disable and enable patient reminders for protocols and immunizations.

  2. Tax exempt: Toggle on if the client is exempt from taxes.

Notes About Client Phone Numbers

  • The Preferred phone number is displayed in appointments and Patient Chart and is used for all SMS (text) message communications.

  • A system alert displays if you add a phone number that is already linked to another client profile. A phone number can be used on more than one client profile – when you enter the phone number in the Global Navigation search, all associated clients display in the results.

  • The 'mobile phone with a slash' icon indicates that a phone number is a landline and cannot receive SMS (text) messages.

Change a Client’s Active Status

To deactivate a client profile, scroll down to the Active Status section and select No. Once inactive, the client will no longer receive automated reminders or communications.

The client will not display in Global Navigation search results but can be searched in Clients when you uncheck Only Active Clients in the filters.

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