Integrated In-House Labs (IDEXX, Abaxis)
Navigate to Orders in the associated encounter and select +Order Lab.
Select the in-house lab machine you wish to send the request.
If given a choice between in-house or reference, select IN-HOUSE
Select the test you wish to run.
The provider and associated encounter are automatically populated.
Pertinent comments can be added.
Select ORDER LAB, and it is populated in the orders section.
If you get a pop-up asking to order again, click ORDER, then FINISH to complete the steps to send the lab to the machine.
The line item that generates in the chart shows the status of the lab, add or edit comments, or cancel or delete the lab.
Results will automatically update when the lab is complete.
If the client declines the lab, re-order it from the search bar under the ORDERS section. Decline it by clicking the three dots to the lab's right and selecting DECLINE DIAGNOSTIC to mark the lab as DECLINED in the medical record.