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Troubleshooting Tips

This section details the reasons for errors.


☑️ MOST IMPORTANT TIP: If you cannot get your file to import, the file is too large! Create a new spreadsheet with just a few rows (title row plus 2-3 products).  See if you still get an error.  If there are no errors, keep adding more rows to each import. Break the file into smaller chunks and import those. Ensure the title row is on each file and in the top row.

☑️ Download a new file and use the column headers on the new one.  This is helpful if the file you have been working on is older.  Changes to the system may have changed the headers.

☑️ Duplicate Product Names: Product names must be unique. Edit duplicate names so that they do not match. To check for duplicate names:
a. In Excel, highlight the name column.
b. Click on Home > Conditional Formattingand hover over: Highlight Cells Rules
d. Select: Duplicate Values, then click OK on the new box.
f. The duplicate values will now be highlighted in pink.

☑️ Special Characters in Product Names: Product names can contain certain special characters but not all.  The following are allowed: (minus sign (-), vertical bar (|), open and close parentheses ( and ), forward slash (/), colon (:), plus sign (+), Asterix (*), hashtag/pound sign (#), greater than and less than signs (< >), and the percentage sign (%).

☑️ The product Type is not in Vetspire or spelled/formatted differently than on the spreadsheet.

Examples of types on an import file
  • The first type, “Injections,” matches what is in Vetspire. The second is missing the “s” at the end and will not import. Fix the import to match what is in Vetspire.

  • In-House: Benchtop Laboratory Services” on the import file has a semi-colon, not a dash. Fix the import to match what is in Vetspire.

  • Nutraceuticals and Supplements” on the import has “and” spelled out and an ampersand “&” in Vetspire. Fix the import to match what is in Vetspire.

  • Reference laboratory service” on the import has laboratory and services with lowercase letters as the first letters. In Vetspire, they are capitalized. Fix the import to match what is in Vetspire.

  • Spaces. Spaces at the beginning and/or end of the product type in the file or in Vetspire will cause an error message. Fix the import to match what is in Vetspire.

☑️ Units do not match the available options in Vetspire. It is possible to have units in Vetspire that came over from the conversion that are not acceptable formats for importing. The only allowed units are:

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☑️ Blank or values other than TRUE or FALSE in the following columns will cause errors.

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Is Euthanasia
Is Controlled Drug
Is Neuter
Coerce Integer Quantity

Only Inventory
Track Inventory

☑️ Taxed Column:

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  • If updating existing codes: All cells in ALL available Taxed columns should be set to TRUE or FALSE.

  • If importing NEW codes: All cells in ALL available Taxed columns should be blank.

☑️ Enabled Column:

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  • If updating existing codes: All cells in ALL available Enabled columns should be set to TRUE or FALSE.

  • If importing NEW codes: All cells in ALL available Enabled columns should be blank.

☑️ Price:Type Column:

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If updating codes, values are limited to:

  • Blank (no value in cell)

  • fixed (all lowercase, no spaces)

  • markup (all lowercase, no spaces)

  • default_markup (all lowercase, no spaces)

  • volume (all lowercase, no spaces)

If adding NEW codes, leave all fields BLANK.

☑️ Price:Dispense_Fee column:

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  • If updating codes, values should be numbers only or left blank. There is no limit on decimal places, but it should be limited to no more than 4 (e.g., 0.1234). This is the limit within Vetspire itself.

  • If adding NEW codes, leave all fields BLANK.

☑️ Price:Unit_Fixed_Price column:

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  • Can be left blank or if updating codes, values should be numbers only. There is no limit on decimal places, but it should be limited to no more than 4 (e.g., 0.1234). This is the limit within Vetspire itself.

  • If adding NEW codes, leave all fields BLANK.

☑️ Price:Unit_Markup_Percent column:

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  • Can be left blank, or if updating codes, values should be numbers only. There is no limit on decimal places, but it should be limited to no more than 4 (e.g., 0.1234). This is the limit within Vetspire itself. Note: The value should be in decimals. (e.g., For 90%, enter 0.90, for 100%, enter 1.00, for 250%, enter 2.50).

  • If adding NEW codes, leave all fields BLANK.

☑️ Price:Minimum_Price column:

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  • Can be left blank, or if updating codes, values should be numbers only. There is no limit on decimal places, but it should be limited to no more than 4 (e.g., 0.1234). This is the limit within Vetspire itself.

  • If adding NEW codes, leave all fields BLANK.

☑️ Price:Is_Active column:

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  • If updating codes, values should be TRUE or FALSE or left blank

  • If adding NEW codes, leave all fields BLANK.

☑️ Tag Columns follow the same rules as above.

☑️ If you have tried everything above, send a ticket to support at to have someone review your file.  Sometimes another set of eyes is all you need.

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