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Column and Selection Meanings

To reach the product screen, navigate to More > Inventory & Services. The screen below will be seen after you click on a product from the list. Here is a description of each item on the screen.

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  • ID: This is a background field within the database. This number is automatically assigned, and CANNOT be edited. Do not change this field on your file.

  • Code (optional): This field holds the product code.

  • SKU (optional): Manufacturer SKU for the product.

  • Name (required): The name of the product. **IMPORTANT: This value must be unique for each product. Duplicate names will cause errors. Additionally, certain special characters are not allowed. At this time, this includes: double quotation marks (“), copyright ©, registered ®, accents (ẻ), and the long dash (–).  Note: Many programs will automatically replace the minus sign (-) with a long dash (–). 

  • Diagnostic Code (optional): Diagnostic code that is associated with the product code. This makes the integrations bill for the test when Order Lab is used.

  • Disabled: Changes the setting of the “Is Enabled Everywhere?” field. TRUE = No, FALSE = Yes.

  • Type (required): The product type is a way to organize the products into groups of like items. (e.g., Injections, Heartworm Preventatives, Vaccine). IMPORTANT: The product types must be in Vetspire before you import. More on this in the next section.

  • Selling Quantity (optional): This connects to the unit field. The selling quantity is the number of units you sell at a time (e.g., If the unit is “tablets,” and you sell a bottle of 30 tablets, you would set the selling quantity to 30. If you sell it by the tablet then set this selling quantity to 1).

  • Buying Quantity (optional): This connects to the unit field. The buying quantity is the number of units you buy at a time (e.g., If the unit is “tablets,” and you buy a bottle of 30 tablets, you would set the buying quantity to 30. If your unit is “bottle,” then you would set the buying quantity to 1).

  • Unit Cost (optional): The list price for the product. Make sure to match the price to the unit. For example, if your unit is “bottle” and you buy a bottle of 30 for $30.00, then your unit price would be $30.00. If your unit is a “tablet” and you buy a bottle of 30 for $30.00, your unit price would be $1.00 ($30 divided by 30 tablets).

  • Units (optional): This is the unit you buy and sell the product. You can only use the default units built into Vetspire, or your import will fail. The available units are:















  • Contract Cost: The price we pay for the product. Note: Unit cost is how much the vendor usually sells the product for. The contract cost is a lower value paid due to contracts with the vendor. Make sure to match the price to the unit. For example, if your unit is “bottle” and you buy a bottle of 30 for $30.00, then your unit price would be $30.00. If your unit is a “tablet” and you buy a bottle of 30 for $30.00, your unit price would be $1.00 ($30 divided by 30 tablets).

  • Manufacturer ID: ID for the manufacturer of the product. Reach out to Vetspire Support for help getting the ID for your vendors.

  • Is Euthanasia (required): Sets whether the code should mark the pet as deceased. (e.g., Euthanasia solution, body care, etc.). TRUE in this field will mark the code as Is Euthanasia = Yes. FALSE will mark it Is Euthanasia = No.

  • Is Controlled Drug (required): Sets whether the code is controlled. Codes marked as controlled drugs show on the controlled drug report. TRUE = Yes, FALSE = No.

  • Is_Neuter (required): Sets whether the code should trigger the pet as Neutered/Spayed. TRUE = Yes, FALSE = No.

  • Coerce_Interger_Quantity (required): When set to yes (TRUE), this disallows the selling of partial units (e.g., Services cannot be sold with a quantity that is not a whole number, so no 0.5 units of an exam). When set to no (FALSE), it allows invoicing of partial units.

  • Only_Inventory (required): Sets the code as inventory only; this allows the system to track inventory on the product but does not allow it to be invoiced. This is mainly used for white goods and other tangible items that are used but not invoiced.

  • Track_Inventory (required): Sets the code as being an inventory item so that it can be tracked. Items set to yes (TRUE) will appear on the inventory report. Items set to no (FALSE) will not show on the report.

  • Historical_ID (Not on screenshot): This field is used to make historical codes to new codes within Vetspire. It is for financial reporting only and does not affect the functionality of Vetspire.

  • Deleted: Setting this field to TRUE will PERMANATELY REMOVE the code from your database. Use with extreme care. Leaving it set to FALSE will not affect the code.

  • Categories (aka Tags): Vetspire calls these field tags, and the import file calls them categories. These must be entered into the system before downloading the file. More on how to add these is below. Setting the value to TRUE will add the tag. Setting the value to FALSE will remove the tag if it is already on the product. Note: These columns are unique per site and are not required, so you may not see them on your file.

  • Tag Fields: These are found to the far right of the import file. These must be set up before you download the file. More on this in the next section. These allow you to set the pricing by location tag rather than set the pricing by location. For details on this functionality, please contact Vetspire support at


All Location Columns

These columns will allow you to set the pricing on a product that will be used if a location has the product enabled but not priced. Location-based pricing will override All Location pricing.

Pricing Columns: The columns below are grouped before the location-based pricing.

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  • Price:Type: this is the price type for the product, types must be entered in all lowercase on the import file.

  • Fixed: set one price on the product which will only change if manually edited.

  • Markup: the price is calculated using the product's Unit Price and the Unit_Markup_Percent (see below).

  • Default_Markup: the price is calculated using the product's Unit Price and the Default Unit Markup Percentage on the Product Type (see below).

  • Volume: volume pricing allows you to set pricing based on the number of units sold. While setting the Price:Type to Volume with the import, you can only set up the actual pricing within Vetspire.

  • Price:Dispense_Fee: to apply a dispensing or administrative fee, enter it in this field.

  • Price:Unit_Fixed_Price: use only if setting the Price:Type to fixed. This is the sale price for each unit of the product.

  • Price:Unit_Markup_Percent: used only if setting the Price:Type to markup. The value should be in decimals. (e.g., For 90%, enter 0.90, for 100%, enter 1.00, for 250%, enter 2.50).

  • Price:Minimum_Price: used to set a minimum sell price for the product. This price will be the minimum price when invoiced, regardless of other settings. Once that minimum is hit, the price will increase per the above settings.

  • Price:Is_Active: set to TRUE to make the pricing active on the location. Set to FALSE to make it inactive.

Location Specific Columns

The below columns are location specific; the location ID is used to identify which fields belong to which location. You can find the location ID by returning to More > Admin > Locations and looking in the ID column.

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  • Taxed: each location requested will have its Taxed column. These columns are all grouped right after the Category columns. Setting the value to TRUE will add sales tax to an invoice when this code is invoiced. To find this field in Vetspire:

    1. Navigate to More > Inventory & Services.

    2. Select a product.

    3. Select Edit Details from the upper right corner of the Details box.

    4. Click the bottom right More Options link.

    5. Scroll down, if needed, to the Taxed Locations field.

  • Enabled: each location requested will have its Enabled column. These columns are all grouped right after the Taxed columns. Setting the value to TRUE will add the locations tag to the product. To find this field in Vetspire:

    1. Navigate to More > Inventory & Services.

    2. Select a product.

    3. Select Edit Details from the upper right corner of the Details box.

    4. Click the bottom right More Options link.

    5. Scroll down, if needed, to the Enabled Locations field. If the product is set to Is Enabled Everywhere?= Yes the Enabled Locations field will not be visible. The Disabled Locations field will replace it.

  • Pricing Columns: these columns are grouped by location.

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  • Price:Type: the price type on the product:

    • Fixed: set one price on the product, which will only change if manually edited.

    • Markup: calculated using the product's Unit Price and the Unit_Markup_Percent (see below).

    • Default_Markup: the price is calculated using the product's Unit Price and the Default Unit Markup Percentage on the Product Type (see below).

    • Volume: volume pricing allows you to set pricing based on the number of units sold. While setting the Price:Type to Volume with the import, you can only set up the actual pricing within Vetspire.

  • Price:Dispense_Fee: to apply a dispensing or administrative fee, enter it in this field.

  • Price:Unit_Fixed_Price: used only if setting the Price:Type to fixed. This is the sale price for each unit of the product.

  • Price:Unit_Markup_Percent: used only if setting the Price:Type to markup. The value should be in decimals. (e.g., For 90%, enter 0.90, for 100%, enter 1.00, for 250%, enter 2.50).

  • Price:Minimum_Price: used to set a minimum sell price for the product. This price will be the minimum price when invoiced, regardless of other settings. Once that minimum is hit, the price will increase per the above settings.

  • Price:Is_Active: set to TRUE to make the pricing active on the location. Set to FALSE to make it inactive.

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