How to Schedule an Appointment
Patient appointments can be created in the Schedule calendar, Flow, and Patient Chart.
Create an Appointment in Schedule
Select New Appointment or select an open time slot on the calendar to open the Schedule: Appointment window.
Search for the client or patient in the search bar by name, ID, or phone number, then select their profile.
For new clients, select the plus sign ➕ to open the Create a New Client window.
Select the Appointment Type and Provider.
Set the Appointment Date and Time.
If you select a time slot on the calendar in Step 1, these fields populate based on your selection.
The appointment Duration defaults to the preset time of the appointment type. Edit this field as needed.
(Optional) Select the relevant Custom Schedule and Department.
(Optional) Enter the Room Number, Reason for Visit, and Appointment Notes.
The Reason for Visit populates in the encounter.
Select the Appointment Status.
Select Create Appointment.
Create an Appointment in Flow
In the Awaiting, Waitlist, or Checked In columns, search for the client or patient in the search bar by name, ID, or phone number, then select their profile.
For new clients, select the plus sign ➕ to open the Create a New Client window.
The Appointment Date and Time default to the current day and time. Edit these fields as needed.
Select the Provider and Type.
Select the Appointment Status.
(Optional) Enter the Room Number and Reason for Visit.
Select Create Appointment.
Create an Appointment in Patient Chart
In the Chart tab, select New Appt.
Select the appointment’s Type and Status.
In the Date & Time field, select Search to open a calendar and list of providers.
Select the appointment date on the calendar.
For the provider who will see the patient during this appointment, select one of their available appointment time slots (if your practice uses provider schedules) or select Enter Manual Time to set the appointment start time. The selected provider populates the Provider field.
Edit the appointment Duration as needed.
(Optional) Select the Schedule and Department.
(Optional) Enter the Reason for Visit.
Send Confirmation Email is checked by default. Uncheck if you do not want to send an appointment confirmation email to the client.
Select Book.
Missed Appointment Indicator
If a client has previously missed one or more appointments in the last year, an alert displays when you create a new appointment for them in Schedule or Patient Chart.