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Vetspire System Requirements

Vetspire can be accessed on a Mac or Windows device, iPad or Android tablet, and iOS or Android smartphone. For desktop and laptop computers, Vetspire requir...

Glossary of Vetspire Terms

Client Communication Terminology: SMS Transactional: auto-generated messages from Vetspire that are not marketing or reminders. SMS Marketing: protocol messa...

Patient Check-In

A client can complete self check-in forms before their appointment, or you can check-in a client from Schedule or Flow. Client Self Check-In Prior to an appo...

Vetspire Global Navigation

Across the top of the Vetspire application is the Global Navigation. From the Global Navigation, you can access each Vetspire window, change your location, v...

Patient Chart

The Patient Chart in Vetspire is an individual patient’s profile that includes all of their essential information, medical and immunization history, lab orde...

Vetspire® WINK App for Ophthalmology

WINK by Vetspire® is a mobile app for animal ophthalmologists to easily complete medical exams and record diagnostics. The WINK app links directly to open en...

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