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Vetspire Environment Requirements

Vetspire runs entirely in the Chrome web browser and uses a lean client-side framework. Vetspire works on Mac and Windows operating systems, iPad and Android...

Glossary of Vetspire Terms

Client Communication Terminology: SMS Transactional: auto-generated messages from Vetspire that are not marketing or reminders. SMS Marketing: protocol messa...

Patient Check-in

There are multiple ways to check in for an appointment. Client Self-Check In You can send the client their check-in and check-in consent forms before startin...

Home Page Toolbar

Tool Bar Across the top of the Vetspire home page, find a taskbar to navigate Vetspire. The toolbar can be divided into two categories. Home Page Tools User ...

Patient Information Screen

To get to the Patient Screen, anywhere in Vetspire, click the patient name. Patient Banner Click here to expand... From the Patient Banner across the top of ...

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